I wasn't planning on making a resolution, but after tidying the house today a common theme kept popping up -- ORGANIZATION. Man, our house is so disorganized. So, the plan is to slowly get organized, come up with systems and a bit more of a routine to stay on top of things. I tackled the kitchen dumping ground (corner cupboard) on New Years day and I have to say, it is so much nicer to open a cupboard when everything has a home (rather than just shoving things in). We live in an older home which means there is very little in the way of storage spaces.
So, I made a dish from 'The Family Dinner' yesterday, it was a peanut dish from the kids section. My partner, Dave, after adding quite a bit of hot sauce, seemed to enjoy the meal. This is the first meal I have made from this book and my first cooking post, and sadly I did not like the peanut sauce at all. I found it much too heavy on the peanut butter side. The sauce was made up of pb, sesame oil, soy sauce, garlic, ginger. It was just too sweet and salty for me. Although I wasn't happy with this dish, I like the idea of a peanut sauce with pasta and various toppings. For now, I will stick to PC Memories of Szechwan.
This is just a test. Pls do not adjust your set.